In April 2019, Open Group and Cadiai met to join efforts and organise together a co-productive focus group.
They started from the concept of coproduction by showing the video recorded during the ENABLE
They then presented the new IN-CUBA project, its objective and approach, showing a video that explains the concept of entrepreneurship in a very simple and accessible way
Through a collective game, they played and experimented with the concept of enterprise. The game:
- using post-it, everyone wrote three things he/she knows how to do: I know how to cook, how to sew, to dance, how to use the PC, etc.;
- the post-it were then attached to a big board called “the store of ideas”;
- Participants were then organised in small groups;
- Each group decided which company wanted to create and were asked to choose in the “store of ideas” the skills or abilities needed for their project;
- Each group then named their company;
- Each group elected a representative who presented the company in the plenary receiving in exchange a seed to put in a jar with earth: the seed of the idea.
To concretely deposit a seed in the earth, effectively evokes the concept – abstract – of incubation, of an idea that needs to be protected and nourished in order to make it grow. All the jars were collected and will be preserved to check in a little while what will be born out of those seeds .
During the months of September and October 2019 Open Group and CADIAI organised further sessions of the Focus groups organised in the following way:
- Presentation of the activities: each group presented its activity with elements that can be representative of the activities organised.
- Division into groups for the next activity (they favoured heterogeneity)
proposed questions:
- this activity …………… .. now it is done ……………,
- where would you like to see the activity ……………?
- in which place? for example: a festival, center parties, social street, shop windows, markets, shopping centers, etc.
- choose an image, a sentence, write you …
- The challenges
- What do I need to do before setting it up?
- What equipment do I need?
- how many people are involved? professionals / people who know better how to do certain things well, who are qualified to to do it well … examples a cook, a tailor, a graphic for advertising, etc.
- money? where can I find it and to whom can I ask where to find it?
- who can provide me with support?
Therefore, these second sessions have gone further into the perspective of development and evolution of real activities, starting from personal and collective experiences already in place and possible places that can accommodate them.