Introduction –
The main objective of the IN-CUBA Project is to develop a methodology based on co-production for the incubation of project and ideas and their development into an enterprise. It is important to bear in mind that, in the context of the IN-CUBA project, the concept of enterprise has a broad interpretation, referring to the action of starting a new project or undertaking, or developing an idea, even when it does not result in the creation of a business (commercial or social). All entrepreneurial activities are considered, whether or not they be for profit, or whether they have a commercial or social aim.To develop the methodology (Intellectual Output 3), focus groups are organised in each country to discuss entrepreneurship and the support that is needed to enable the development and setting up of one enterprise. Each Partner was free to organise the focus groups in the most suitable way according to their situation, but the following points were considered and discussed during the co-productive focus groups:
- What is understood by “enterprise” and “entrepreneur”?
- Explain the concept of project in its wider possible meaningWhat is understood by an “incubator”?
- What “good ideas” and / or interests do you have?
- What entrepreneurial project would you like to develop?
- What would be required to start such a project?What things might get in the way or may it difficult?
- What help and resources do you think you will need?
- What would be the benefit to you of being an entrepreneur?
- What would you want from a structure that supports the development of entrepreneurial projects (incubator)?
- Identify a project to take forward (it will be tested in the pilot actions) – why do you think this is a good project?
- How can you start to put the project into practice?